There will never be too many podcasts.

Reasons Why You Need a Podcast

  • Thought Leadership

    According to Nielsen, 78% of podcast listeners agree that podcasts help them to learn new things, positioning podcasts as valuable educational resources.

    Hosting a podcast can lead to speaking engagements, media appearances, and other opportunities to showcase your expertise.

  • SEO Benefits

    Google has started indexing podcast episodes, making them searchable in Google Search results, potentially driving more organic traffic to your website.

    Podcast episodes can be transcribed into written content, providing search engines with more text to crawl and index, improving your website's visibility.

  • Lead Generation and Sales

    According to a study by Midroll, 61% of podcast listeners have purchased a product or service after hearing it advertised on a podcast.

    Hosting sponsored episodes or incorporating calls-to-action (CTAs) within your podcast can directly impact sales and conversions.

Build Your Brand, Create Community, Showcase Your Expertise

You may think that you're too late in the game for podcasting, or maybe there is no use for you and your brand. Think again. Podcasting is growing in the UK and there is room for you at the table.

You can show your expertise, showcase your services, create trust, and build brand recognition with your target audience through podcasting. Don’t miss out on this awesome marketing tool.

I have produced multiple shows and it would be my pleasure to sit down with you and take you from concept to conquest in your podcasting adventure.