The Journey Behind the Launch of Top- Up Tuesday: Refreshing Conversations for Business, Creativity, and a Life of Meaning

Life has a way of draining us, it’s tough out there! We are left searching for ways to refill our energy and spirit. With Top-Up Tuesday show, I wanted to create something that would do just that—offer a weekly dose of encouragement, hope, and practical insights to help people thrive in their personal and professional lives. I’m beyond excited to share the story behind launching this podcast, which is designed to refresh you for business, creativity, and a life of meaning.

The Spark: Creating Content That Fills People’s Souls

As the producer at the Top Cat Podcast Network, I’ve always been passionate about creating content that goes beyond surface-level entertainment. It started with my first podcast Our Journey To Eden, where I unpacked temperaments theory, relationship conflict and ways to flourish in your inner life. This first podcast was me sharing everything I was learning from my counselors and authors who were helping me on my journey through my own brokenness to wholeness. It was mostly directed at a Christian audience. Now, I wanted to build something new that truly fills people up, offering more than just quick tips or fleeting inspiration, and something that would also touch on the ‘professional side’ of life. Life can be hard, and I believe we all need a space where we can pause, reflect, and recharge. That’s why I started Top Up Tuesday—to give listeners practical advice for navigating business and creativity while also offering a deeper, soul-refreshing conversation about living a meaningful life.

The heart of Top Up Tuesday is to provide a space where listeners can find encouragement and hope, along with practical insights to help them flourish in whatever season they’re in.

Letting My Creativity Loose: No money, No Problem!

A huge part of bringing Top Up Tuesday to life was creating a set that embodied the show’s welcoming, creative, and uplifting atmosphere. I wanted it to feel like a cozy, inspiring coffee shop—a place where meaningful conversations could flow. But, like many passion projects, I had to get creative with limited resources.

I didn’t have a budget for professional set builders, so I turned to the skills and generosity of people around me. One of my friends runs a joinery business, and we came up with a skills swap: I offered to do a photoshoot for his business, and in exchange, he helped me build key pieces for the coffee shop-inspired set. It was a win-win, and a perfect example of how collaboration can make dreams come to life even when funds are tight.

Once the set pieces were built, I enlisted my mum to help me paint. We spent hours together, turning plain boards into what would become the backdrop for Top Up Tuesday. It was a fun and meaningful experience, adding a personal touch to the project.

To get inspiration for the final look, I actually used AI to generate mood boards and design ideas. It was fascinating to see what the AI suggested, and it gave me a clear vision for the coffee shop aesthetic I wanted to create. But of course, reality often requires adjustments, especially when you’re working on a shoestring budget. For example, I couldn’t afford actual tiles for the set, so I got creative again—I decided to paint the tiles on by hand. It took time, but the result was worth it, and it added another layer of personal effort to the project.

Maddie and Shealan

Voluntary Production: Fueled by Passion

At the moment, Top-Up Tuesday is purely a passion project, with the production entirely volunteer-driven. There’s no big budget or production team behind it—just a lot of heart and dedication. While that can be challenging, it’s also incredibly rewarding to see what can be built with determination, resourcefulness, and the support of friends and family.

I’m also fortunate to have Maddie, a photography Master’s student from the U.S., join me as a production assistant. Maddie brings fresh ideas, creativity, and a huge amount of enthusiasm to the table. Having her on board is a true gift, and it’s been incredible to watch Top-Up Tuesday take shape, even without the usual resources. I believe we need good people around us to build something beautiful. Thanks Maddie for being here!

The Heart of Top Up Tuesday: Why It Matters

In a world where we often feel stretched thin, Top Up Tuesday offers a much-needed moment to pause, reflect, and refill. This podcast isn’t just about business tips or creative advice—it’s about fostering a deeper conversation about how we can live more meaningful, fulfilling lives. Whether it’s practical strategies for navigating the business world, insights into the creative process, or personal stories of growth, every episode is designed to refresh and inspire.

Life isn’t easy, and I wanted to create a podcast that acknowledges that reality while also offering tools and encouragement to help people keep going. My hope is that Top-Up Tuesday will serve as a source of weekly inspiration, helping listeners feel recharged and ready to take on their own challenges, whether in work, creativity, or life in general.


What’s Next for Top-Up Tuesday?

The journey of creating Top Up Tuesday has just begun, and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s ahead. Right now, my focus is on producing thoughtful, inspiring episodes, but I have big dreams for how the show might grow in the future. I want it to reach more people, to continue being a source of refreshment for those who need it most.

Every piece of this project, from the hand-painted tiles to the volunteer-led production, is a testament to the power of passion, creativity, and community. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who’s helped me along the way, and I’m so excited to keep building this show, one episode at a time.

Thank you for being part of the journey. Stay tuned, stay refreshed, and remember—you’re precious and you have something to offer!



My Challenging Journey to Becoming a Podcast Network Producer.